Professional Packages
Unlimited products (upto 50k productsfor best performance) Manage product brands Wishlist
Scratch made admin panel Product catalogue Last purchase order details (downloadinvoice)
Professional Design PayUMoney and one additional payment gateway of choice Blog page
Mobile tablet friendly design · Multiple filterations options SEO optimized website (on page)
Single currency option Multiple shorting options (Newest / Price /Alphabetical) Auto email notification
· Customer Login / registration Product view with multiple views Product order processing
1 domain (.com) Product rating Customer profile management (frombackend and frontend)
Unlimited web space (shared hosting) Product detail with similar product range Free graphic creation (Basic logo as well)
Page management system Coupon code generation (by category and product) Cache management for fast browsing
Editable home banner Shopping cart Build on latest technology
Unlimited category creation option (With sub categories) Shipping calculator 6 Month Support
Easy to manage navigation Tax calculator

Big Business Packages
Unlimited products (upto 50k products for best performance) Manage product brands Check shipping zone for individual product
Scratch made admin panel Product catalogue Tax calculator
Corporate Design Brand page Wishlist
Corporate Design Brand page Wishlist
Mobile tablet friendly design Customer order upload option Last purchase order details (download invoice)
Single currency option Multiple filterations options Blog page
Single language Multiple shorting options (Newest / Price / Alphabetical / Rating) SEO optimized website (on page)
Customer Login / registration (Social login facebook and google+) Product view with multiple views Auto email notification
1 domain (.com) Product rating Product order processing
Unlimited web space (individual hosting) Product detail with similar product range Bulk product upload from excel sheet
Page management system Coupon code generation (by category and product) Export product list into excel sheet
Editable home banner Shopping cart Export order into excel sheet
Unlimited category creation option (With sub categories) Shipping calculator Product summary (Out of stock / Most Sold / Lowest sale) by date
Easy to manage navigation 2 Payment gateway of choice Single user (chat with multiple customer)live chat option
Customer profile management (from backend and frontend Free android application Free graphic creation (Basic logo as well)
Cache management for fast browsing Build on latest technology 12 Months Support

Multi Vendor Packages
Unlimited products (upto 50k products for best performance) Individual brand page (with filteration) Product detail with similar product range
Scratch made admin panel Easy to manage navigation Coupon code generation (by category and product)
Corporate Design Manage product brands Shopping cart
Mobile tablet friendly design Distributor / Vendor account management Shipping calculator
Single currency option Per sale commission from vendor 2 Payment gateway of choice
Single language Number of product upload (multiple packages can be created) Check shipping zone for individual product
Customer Login / registration (Social login facebook and google+) Product catalogue Tax calculator
1 domain (.com) Brand page Wishlist
Unlimited web space (individual hosting) Customer order upload option Product compare
Page management system Multiple filterations options Last purchase order details (download invoice)
Editable home banner(Multiple banners) Multiple shorting options (Newest / Price / Alphabetical / Rating) Blog page
Unlimited category creation option (With sub categories) Product view with multiple views SEO optimized website (on page)
Category featured banner Product rating Auto email notification

Multi Vendor Packages
Product order processing Wallet Integration
Bulk product upload from excel sheet Distributor based individual store page
Export product list into excel sheet Distributor track record management
Export product list into excel sheet Free android application
Export order into excel sheet Free graphic creation (Basic logo as well)
Product summary (Out of stock / Most Sold / Lowest sale) by date Cache management for fast browsing
Multiple user (chat with multiple customer)live chat option Build on latest technology
Customer profile management (from backend and frontend) 12 Months Support

Advance Packages
Scratch Made admin panel Unlimited Product Upload Multiple Currency
Unlimited Page Website Payment gateway of your choice Single Language
Advance Design Payment gateway of your choice Tax Management
Unlimited Category PayPal Payment Gateway Invoice Download & Print
Multiple Filters Cash On Delivery SMS Integration (India only)
Filters by category Product Manage Wishlist
Manageable Navigation system Product Catalogue Product Rating
1 Domain (International) Coupon Generation User account Management
Unlimited Web Space Shipping By Weight Fast Response
Unlimited Email id Location wise shipping Highly durable
Multiple enquiry pages ZIP code checker 1 Month Maintenance
Shopping Cart Compare products